The primary aim of our committed, enthusiastic department is to help students realise their maximum potential in mathematics and to foster a passion and love of the subject.
Teachers aim to give students confidence in their mathematical ability and encourage them to enjoy and appreciate the inherent beauty of the subject. With more emphasis now being placed upon functionality, that is the application of mathematics to real-life situations, it is important that students can apply their knowledge and skills to solve problems effectively. Different teaching styles are adopted by all teachers with students being encouraged to discuss their ideas and take part in individual, paired or group work in order to develop their written, oral and practical skills.
Key Stage 3 Mathematics builds on work undertaken at primary school. Students in Year 7 begin by studying Number and Calculation before moving on to Algebra, Geometry and Measures, Statistics and Ration and Proportion. These topics are rotated throughout the key stage with an emphasis on Number in Year 7 and Algebra in Year 8.
Students use a variety of calculator and non-calculator methods and are encouraged to use mental methods and estimation. All students are taught to develop their mathematical problem solving and reasoning skills and will learn to communicate their logic effectively.
At Key Stage 4, students study the Edexcel 9-1 GCSE course at either Higher or Foundation level as appropriate for the individual.
Students’ progress is carefully monitored throughout both key stages. Aspirational targets are set for each student and effective feedback is given regularly in order to help students improve their performance and maximise their potential in the subject.
Selected high-ability students will also study for the AQA Level 2 Certificate in Further Mathematics alongside their normal GCSE to extend their knowledge and to provide an excellent grounding for post-16 study.
GCSE courses
Edexcel Mathematics 1MA1
AQA Level 2 Certificate in Further Mathematics
Mathematics staff
Director of Learning: Mathematics
Mr D Fraser