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Our students and staff fundraise throughout the year.

We currently run monthly non-uniform days and all students and staff are asked to donate £1 each time. Previously, we have raised as much as £15,000 in an academic year.

Cry in the Dark

Cry in the Dark was established by Steve Cooper after he visited a Romanian orphanage. Steve was moved to build the children, many of whom have physical and mental disabilities, a better home. Today Casa Lumina is, as its name suggests, a true House of Light to the young people. It provides them with food, shelter and education and they love receiving visitors. The charity has also built a hospice for children and young people in Romania and they regularly visit and support a Roma village where people live in true third world poverty. Each year, Manor students and staff go to Romania for two weeks to support the work of Cry in the Dark. Everyone who goes, staff and students alike, find it a life-changing experience.

Mbedza Projects Support, Malawi

Julian Watson, one of our peripatetic music teachers, introduced Manor to Mbedza Projects Support, a charity he established, which is dedicated to the prevention and relief of poverty in Malawi. The charity’s work includes the installation of stoves for cooking, drilling boreholes, planting and maintaining sustainable trees for wood, encouraging testing for HIV/Aids and a range of other activities. Manor raises money to sponsor the Jali Youth Centre which provides HIV testing, education and counselling for the Zomba District in Malawi. We are extremely proud of our link with Malawi and every two years we take students over there, teaching them about the impact of the money they raise.

The Archbishop of York Youth Trust

The Archbishop of York Youth Trust offers the Young Leaders Award which aims to encourage young people to “Be the change they want to see” in their local community and beyond by developing their own leadership abilities through service to others. Manor is proud to have been the first school to take on and develop the award and now offers it to all students in Key Stage 3 and runs the Key Stage 4 award as an alternative GCSE option. Through the award, our young people have taken part in a whole range of school and local community projects including supporting a local home for people with dementia and running lots of charity fundraisers. It is our Young Leaders who visit Romania as part of their course.

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