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Vision & Values

Manor was established in 1812, with the school motto of “Deo Duce” (led by God) and this informs our Christian vision as a school which is “growing together, serving others and living life to the full.”

Our School Christian Vision

The Christian values we want to see developed in our young people are clearly shown throughout the bible, and are used by God to describe Himself in Exodus 34. We want each young person to be gracious, compassionate, loyal, patient, kind, forgiving and just. These values are displayed on banners in the school canteen, posters in classrooms and are in the students’ planners.

Our cross on the school wall is a clear sign of our Christian foundation and serves as a reminder of what lies at the heart of the Christian faith.

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Growing together

Growing together is a key part of a school, with students all developing and facing challenges together. 1 Corinthians 12 describes the church as a ‘body with all parts being equally important’. At Manor everyone is valued. We encourage students to be part of the school community which means supporting and encouraging each other.

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Serving others

Serving others is a core part of Christian teaching. Jesus said that he did not come to be served, but to serve (Matthew 20:28). That is still a radical claim that challenges our social order and is the model for our Christian lives. The Manor community seeks to serve others and does so in a variety of ways both inside and outside our school, to enable our staff, pupils, local and wider community to thrive and to flourish.

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Live life to the full

Finally, Jesus wanted us to live life to the full (John 10:10). The Christian faith does not set out restrictions on how we live our lives, but should set us free to be the people we were designed to be. Students have opportunities to experience all facets of life at Manor, through collective worship, extra-curricular activities, school trips and excellent teaching and curriculum.

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Our Trust Vision

Manor Church of England Academy is part of a wider family of church and community schools and together our school vision aligns to the wider Trust vision;

‘Life in all its fullness’. A place to Thrive. (John 10:10)