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Computer Science

In Computing, we believe “Creativity is the defeat of habit by originality” (Arthur Koestler). 

Computer Science

In all of our subject areas, we strive to create an ethos of ‘learning by doing’ and developing understanding, intuition and independence. We offer a wide range ‘real-world’ opportunities to apply skills acquired through Design Technology, Art & Computing

Schemes of work at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 reflect the move to a more Computer Science focused curriculum. However within this framework we still cover essential and up to date IT skills.  

Students learn about computer hardware and software. Furthermore, students design and create their own software tools through practical programming in a range of languages including Scratch, Python, HTML, and Java, as well as using macros and advanced tools in PowerPoint, Excel and databases to solve practical and realistic problems. We use online tutorial sites and fun learning tools to develop a sound knowledge base in Key Stage 3 ready to be built on in Key Stage 4.

However, we also maintain those elements of multimedia design and creative thinking that are vital in today’s immersive and technologically driven world. Movie making, animation, sound creation, game and website design and 2D and 3D graphics are popular units of work. The department promotes creativity and independence with students experimenting with ideas, researching information and collaborating with each other, sharing learning and giving reflective opinions and feedback.

Finally, students are also involved in discussions and tasks based around E-safety and living life online. For some students we also facilitate the European Computer Driving Licence. This is a highly regarded by businesses IT technical award that is equivalent to GCSE at A*-C.

“Computing is great fun and it so different.” – Year 9 computing student

“Computing is so challenging and yet a lot of fun.” – Year 9 computing student

“Great teachers, great fun and lots of different things to do.” – Year 7 students.


GCSE courses:

AQA Computer Science 8520


Computer Science staff

Subject Leader: Computer Science & whole school ICT

Mr Tim Docwra

Curriculum Documents