01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns
01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns


Our Vision and Values

Our school motto is “Deo Duce” (led by God) and this embodies all that we do.

Inside the entrance to Manor CE Academy, in our planners and on all our communications you will find our Vision as a mission statement. They are serving others, growing together and living life to the full and reflect the teaching of Jesus and what we aim for as a church school community.

Serving others is a core part of Christian teaching. Jesus said that he did not come to be served, but to serve (Matthew 20:28). That is still a radical claim that challenges our social order and is the model for our Christian lives. The Manor community seeks to serve others and does so in a variety of ways both inside and outside our school.

Growing together is often clear in a school, with students all developing and facing challenges together. The strong pastoral emphasis on year groups at Manor means there is cohesion and closeness within each year group and staff and students support each other as they develop. We see the whole school community growing together as we are united in common goals. Examples include the way that our students look out for and care for the SEND students in the school or how the whole school came together to fund raise for Yorkshire Air Ambulance following a student’s accident in 2016.

Finally, Jesus wanted us to live life to the full (John 10:10). The Christian faith does not set out restrictions on how we live our lives, but should set us free to be the people we were designed to be. Students have opportunities to experience all facets of life at Manor, through collective worship, extra-curricular activities, school trips and excellent teaching and curriculum.

The values we want to see developed in our young people are clearly shown throughout the bible, and are used by God to describe Himself in Exodus 34. We want each young person to be gracious, compassionate, loyal, patient, kind, forgiving and just. These values are displayed on banners in the school canteen, posters in classrooms and are in the students’ planners.

Our cross on the school wall is a clear sign of our Christian foundation and serves as a reminder of what lies at the heart of the Christian faith.

British Values statement

Alongside our Christian Values, Manor CE Academy places a high level of importance on British Values, our curriculum promotes preparation for an appreciation of life in modern Britain. Our aim is that our students leave the school as independent and responsible citizens, meaning that our work supports and fulfils the school’s duty to promote British Values, as defined by the DFE document ‘Promoting fundamental British values through SMSC in schools’.

At Manor, we promote the fundamental British values of:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

These values are supported by our vision statement of “Serving others, growing together and living life to the full.”  Actively promoting these values also means challenging students, staff, parents or carers that may express opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including extremist views.

Promoting Democracy

The school has a Student Council, made up of democratically elected students who help inform decision making around the school. Surveys of students, parents and staff are carried out to gather opinions about all aspects of the school and results influence the school improvement plan.

As part of our Enrichment Program and assemblies, students are given general knowledge of public institutions and services, and how these are held to account. In all lessons students are encouraged to express and argue their points of view in an atmosphere of respect.

Local politicians have visited school to discuss politics and voting with the students.

Promoting the Rule of Law

Students are taught to distinguish between right and wrong and to make reparation as needed. Students are taught that there are positive and negative consequences to their actions, and that breaking school rules has clear and predictable outcomes, as with British law. Where relevant the purpose of school rules is explained to students

When school rules are discussed, students can see how they are designed to protect everyone in the school community. We work in partnership with local police officers to give advice on personal safety, but also to reinforce messages that some activities are illegal and what the consequences might be.

Many students are involved in sports which promotes the rules and laws of team games.

Promoting Individual Liberty

We aim to help each student achieve self-confidence, initiative and independence. We teach students to take responsibility for their behaviour as well as knowing their rights. Clear boundaries allow students to make informed choices in a safe environment

As a school, students are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our eSafety assemblies and tutor time. We challenge stereotypes in all areas of the curriculum and are truly inclusive, so that all students can participate fully in all areas of the curriculum, including opportunities where students develop their understanding of important issues and debates. Bullying, though rare, is taken seriously and addressed swiftly. We believe in Freedom of speech and the responsibilities that come with this, are modelled through student participation and that we respect each other’s viewpoints.

Work done in the Hub and with the Applefields satellite promotes access to mainstream education students who otherwise may find this difficult.

Promoting Mutual Respect and Tolerance

The curriculum and ethos promotes respect for individual difference. Religious studies and PSHCE for all students, along with all other curriculum areas help students acquire an understanding of and respect for their own and other cultures and ways of life.

There are clubs for students to meet and discuss issues of inclusivity and diversity.

We ensure that any prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour is challenged and recorded, with students made aware of the seriousness of such incidents.

Charity work plays a large part of life at Manor with regular fundraising and opportunities to visit Malawi and Romania to see the work there that is supported by the school.

All KS3 students take part in the Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award, with some students pursuing this further at KS4.

Mutual Respect: Our school ethos and behaviour policy has revolves around our Christian vision and values. Mutual respect is a common topic in assemblies and collective worship and this is reiterated through our behaviour policy. Students learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others. Staff and students treat each other with respect. Leadership students are involved with students from the Applefields provision and lead on activities and lunchtime clubs with these students.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs: Despite the main religious focus of the school being Christian we teach tolerance and respect towards others of different faiths. The school is a multi-cultural and there are students and staff of different faiths in the school community.

RS is a core subject and students are taught about other world faiths. We have guest speakers from local religious organisations of different faiths speaking to students in RS lessons. Members of different faiths and religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes and the school.