01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns
01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns


Measles, Chicken Pox and Shingles

24 April 2018

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please may we ask for your co-operation in a vitally important matter? One of our pupils is receiving medical treatment for cancer. This puts the pupil at serious risk if exposed to measles, chicken pox or shingles.

The best way to protect a pupil from measles is for all pupils to be immunised against measles. Please discuss measles immunisation with your GP if your child is not already vaccinated. If you suspect your child has measles you should let the school know immediately.

Our pupil is also at risk from chicken pox and would need to be given an injection within three days of contact. Please let us know immediately if you suspect that your child has chicken pox. It is also very important that you let us know if anyone in your household has shingles.

Your own child is not at any risk whatsoever from this situation. However, the health and wellbeing of our pupil with cancer may be at serious risk. We depend on the co-operation of all parents and know we can rely on your help.

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