01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns
01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns



25 June 2018

Dear Parent/Carer,

As we approach the end of Year 10 we are updating you on a number of issues relating to your child’s study of History.

Firstly, with the publication of a textbook on Conflict and tension, 18941918 due next week, for the first time there will be individual texts available for each of the four units of our course. Oxford will also be publishing revision guides for the America, 19201973 and the Britain: Power and the People units. We have not seen the new publications yet and do not endorse them as such. However, we will purchase the new books for use in school and we will happily provide more details on request.

Secondly, as all classes are coming to the end of the Power and the People unit, we are planning delivery of the final unit, Medieval England: the reign of Edward I, 12721307. This unit includes study of the historic environment, focused on a different specified site each year. For the 2019 examination, the specified site will be Caernarfon Castle.

The exam board are very clear that there is no need to visit the site, and we will prepare teaching resources and revision materials relevant to the site to complement those provided by AQA. We are, however, hoping but not promising to arrange a visit, and, if you happen to get an opportunity to visit the castle between now and next summer, it could help to provide focus for your child’s learning.

Finally, we have set up a Showbie group called All Year 11 History 20182019. Please ensure your child joins this group (using code UE9NA) and let us know anything you or your child would like to see put in this area.

Yours sincerely,

Rebecca Duerden
Sam Minton
Henry Walton

To learn more and read the full letter, please click here