Dear Parent/ Guardian
On Wednesday 16 May, Manor will be taking part in this year’s Disport competition at South Leeds Stadium.
We will leave school at 9.00am and arrive back at 3.15pm. Students will need to arrive at school in their PE kit:
They will also need to bring a packed lunch and sufficient refreshments and drinks for the day. The students are asked not to bring sweets with them for the trip. The event will run from 10.30am – 2.30pm.
We ask that each student returns the medical form (attached) by Tuesday 9th May. They will be unable to take part without one. We also request that each student makes a voluntary £12 contribution towards the transport and the registration for the event. This can either be done via parent pay or by cash.
Yours Sincerely
Mr. M Tuvey‐Smith
To download a copy of this information, please click here