At Manor CE Academy we are committed to providing an environment which encourages all students to maximise their potential. We work hard to ensure that all lessons are free from all forms of stereotyping to ensure that all students consider the full range of careers and possible post-16 and post-18 options.
Careers Education
Careers Education lessons are delivered through Live Life Well lessons across Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) and in the Enrichment Programme across Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11).
The Careers Education lessons focus on self-development and self-analysis, career exploration and the development of career management skills to support our students to make independent and confident future decisions.
In both KS3 and KS4 lessons, we use the Start Software Package which is designed to connect 11-18 year olds with potential future careers. It combines a comprehensive source of careers information with a personalised experience and career planning tools, helping students to make more informed decisions about future study and career options. Students create a personalised account on this website which can also be accessed at home.
Years 7 and 8
Career exploration activities based upon skills analysis tools which focus on making decisions about GCSE subjects.
Year 9
Activities which lead to the further development of skills analysis and the student’s development of these skills. Personalised careers exploration.
Year 10
SWOT Analysis – How do students view themselves and potential opportunities in relation to their future, Personal Branding – What are employers looking for, Researching Career Opportunities, CV, Cover Letters and Interview Techniques.
Year 11
Across the curriculum, subjects are ‘brought to life’ through visiting speakers and school trips and new skills are developed through after school clubs and activities.
Form Time offers the opportunity for tutors to have general discussions with form groups about the current issues and the decisions students are making and to organise formal support with these decisions if needed.
Year 11 students have access to the Careers Showbie Group which includes information about the different post 16 options, event posters and post 16 application forms and is regularly updated and discussed in form time.
Guest speakers are invited into assemblies such as the National Citizenship Service and bespoke Career Workshops and Lunch Time Career Stands are offered which focus on specific occupational areas of interest.
We are committed to deliver independent careers guidance to students and parents in accordance with the Baker Clause. Our policy statement on Provider Access can be viewed here which we publish under section 42B of the Education Act 1997. In addition, we regularly evaluate and monitor this impact here.
Careers Guidance
Independent Careers Guidance is available for personalised support to students, particularly those in Year 11 who are approaching a key transition point. Advice is impartial and meets the Career Development Institute Code of Ethics.
Students are able to arrange their own appointments and are always welcome to call into the School Careers Office on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday at break or lunchtime. Students will always receive a typed Guidance Summary in the days following their appointment.
Some students will have access to a Specialist Learning and Work Adviser from the Local Authority.
Parents/carers have the opportunity to speak to the Independent Careers Adviser at the Year 9 Options Evening, Key Stage 4 evenings such as Year 11 Parents’ Evening and Information Evenings and are also welcome make contact at other times of the year.
We use Compass+ to regularly evaluate our careers programme, with the independent support of our Careers and Enterprise coordinator Emily Porter. Our most recent evaluation is here. All information is reviewed termly and this overall information is reviewed every October of each academic year. The next review will be in October 2023.
We regularly gather feedback from students, parents and carers in the form of Google form evaluation to ensure that our careers programme meets the needs of our students.
Please feel welcome to contact us if you require any further information about our Careers Programme:
Careers Leader and Assistant Principal: Data and Intervention – Mr P Muskett
Email: Phone: 01904 798722
Independent Careers Adviser – Rachel Howlett
Email: Phone: 01904 798722