01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns
01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns



We are committed to giving every child at Manor CE Academy the best education they can have and the very first step of this is keeping student attendance as high as possible.

If your child is absent from school please ring 01904 798722 Option 1, email attendance@mce.hslt.academy, or send a message via Edulink app, before 8.40am each day, unless a longer a period of absence has already been notified. The school tracks unexplained absences for all students. If your child is marked absent with no reason at morning registration you will receive a text requesting a response about your child’s absence or to alert you if your child is not in school when he or she should be.

Please inform the school office if any of your contact details change.


We encourage parents and carers to arrange medical and dental appointments outside of school hours. However, if this is not possible, please send a note with your child for him/her to show the teacher and the office staff when they sign in or sign out.

Leave of Absence

According to the Department for Education guidelines, Headteachers/Principals can only authorise leave of absence in exceptional circumstances. It is important to understand that parents and carers do not have an automatic right for their children to have time off for holidays in term time. Holidays within term time will not be granted for any student unless there are exceptional circumstances, and there may be a fine imposed. If you wish to apply please complete a Leave of Absence Request form at least two weeks before and hand in to the school office.


Punctuality to school is very important. Only students who are present in their form room at the start of registration will be marked present. Students who arrive in their form room after registration has started will be marked late by their tutor. Students who arrive after the start of Period 1 (9.00am) must sign in at the office. Office staff will give late students their mark, however absence texts will be sent to parents and carers of students who arrive late but do not sign in at the office.

Persistent Absenteeism

Manor CE Academy has a very high average attendance, and undoubtedly this helps to ensure the best academic outcomes for all students. If a student’s attendance falls below 90% they are considered to be a persistent absentee. As a persistent absentee, a student’s attendance will be monitored and action taken as appropriate. This may result in a penalty notice which will be issued in line with the  City of York Council’s Code of Conduct.

City of York Council: School Attendance Leaflet