01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns
01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns


Our Staff

Senior Leadership Team

PrincipalMr J Cairns
Vice Principal: Inclusion. and Designated Safeguarding LeadMs L Scaum
Vice Principal: Quality of EducationMr A Hill
Assistant Principal: EthosMr T Candlin
Assistant Principal: Data and InterventionMr P Muskett
Assistant Principal: SENCOMr G Reagan
Assistant Principal: SEN Teaching & LearningMr T Godfrey
Assistant Principal: Teaching & LearningMr A Otway
Support Services ManagerMrs R McNair
PA to the PrincipalMrs S Metcalfe

Extended Leadership Team

English Mrs K Bowes
Maths Mr D Fraser
Science Mrs A Walton
Religious StudiesMiss C Day
Humanities Mr H Walton
Languages Mrs C Carneiro
Technology Mr D Allen
PE Mr N Turnbull
Performing Arts Mr D Lowe

Heads of Year & Form Tutors

If you have any concerns over the welfare of your child please speak to their form tutor (full list below) in the first instance.

If the issue remains unresolved, your child’s Year Leader will be consulted, then Ms L Scaum, Vice Principal: Inclusion and finally the Governing Body.

If you have concerns over your child’s attainment and learning please speak in the first instance to their subject teacher. After this, the Director of Learning can be consulted, followed by Mr A Hill, Vice Principal: Quality of Education and finally the Governing Body.

Year 7
Head of Year: Mr D Stimpson
7RRMs R RickatsonThurs - Mrs L McGivern (S19)
7ECMiss E Cass
7SLCMrs S CrabtreeMon & Tues - Mrs J Turnbull
7JFDr J Fleming
7LTMr L TateThurs - Ms L Kaur
7RWAMiss R Watts
7VBMrs V Best
7LCDr L CharlwoodThurs - Ms R Harland
Year 8
Head of Year: Mrs R Harrower
8CPMs C Parsley
8ERMiss E Richards
8MJMiss M Jarvis
8SPSMr S Sutherland
8RWMiss R WardaleWeds - Ms L Kaur
8CFMr C Field
8CTMiss C Turner
8SJMr S Jowett
Year 9
Head of Year: Ms E Thacker
9MSMrs M Slattery
9EOMiss E OxleyWeds - Mrs S Schmitt
9AMEMr A Metcalfe
9BTMrs R TateTues & Weds - Ms S Robson
9JSTMr J StarkieMon - Ms S Robson
9SMIMr S Minton
9KBMr K BrierleyMon, Tues & Weds - Mrs C Houldsworth
9AIMr A Ivascenko
Year 10
Head of Year: Mrs E Stephens
10JBMrs J BrownFri - Mrs S Schmitt
10MEWMrs M WestWeds - Mr S Willan
10GMMrs G Matthews
10FGMiss F Gilligan
10MDFMrs M FoxMon & Tues - Mrs J Couldry
10HJMrs H Jones
10EGMrs E Gonzalez
10CRMiss C Rasburn
Year 11
Head of Year: Mr M Willoughby
11TDMr T Docwra
11CWMrs C WatsonMon & Fri - Mrs G Hetmanski
11ACMrs A ClarkeTues & Thurs - Mr S Willan
11LAHMrs L HillTues - Ms L Kaur / Friday - Mr H Walton
11RSMiss R Sweeney
11TFMrs T FeetenbyFriday - Mrs L McGivern
11HLMrs H Landon
11PTMr P Tasker